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About awakened on 15th of July, 2000, and features 11,612 pages, 5,064 news articles and 78,318 images (updated daily). The project is run by a snippet of code with fine tuning from some rather impressive human beings. mission statement is to deliver handcrafted news and media on Lara Croft and Tomb Raider and to archive Tomb Raider one pixel at a time by maintaining a public record of the happenings in and around the Tomb Raider universe. is non-commercial and not-for-profit, does not collect personal data, does not display advertisements, does not use third-party analytics and does not use cookies. Our content is served from a single domain we own and control and the bulk of our static pages are 100% script-free. is not owned or operated by CDE Entertainment Ltd (Crystal Dynamics Eidos). Lara Croft and Tomb Raider are trademarks of CDE Entertainment Ltd. Visit for the official Tomb Raider web site.

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This is where you will find our news archives. News headlines are sorted by date and can be filtered by year or keyword. You may fine tune your search further by using our internal search engine and searching by phrase or keyword. Pre-configured searches are also available and return articles by year published.

News Headlines


The complete Tomb Raider softography including franchise spin-offs lives here. This is where you will find hubs for all Tomb Raider games. These hubs contain pictures, screenshots, videos, game trailers, guides, demos and much more. The bulk of our published content lives here.

Tomb Raider Softography

Lara Croft

Everything you would ever want to know about Lara Croft lives here. This includes model profiles, official biographies, voice actors, pictures and videos. You will also find hubs for official Lara Croft models and these contain pictures, interviews and videos along with biographical information.

Evolution of Lara Croft


So much more to discover, here are some directions to yet more content. These hubs are major portals offering directions to other parts of our site. There are also numerous hidden microsites featuring bonus content and we hope you have fun finding them.

Lara Croft and Tomb Raider News
Lara Croft and Tomb Raider Games
Lara Croft Models and Voice Actors
Lara Croft and Tomb Raider Artwork
Artwork from Cancelled or Abandoned Projects
Tomb Raider Music
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Tomb Raider Videos
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Tomb Raider Motion Pictures
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Tomb Raider Walkthroughs and Game Guides
Tomb Raider 25
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Animal Logic
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