During an interview with movie magazine Empire Online, forthcoming Tomb Raider directory Simon West has hinted a possible TR Movie Trilogy, claiming the cast have signed for three installments of Eidos Interactive's hit adventure series Tomb Raider. "Everyone's signed on for three pictures. I have the choice to do them if I want. I don't have to, but I'm very protective of it, because I've created the world and the people in it."

"At the moment, it feels hard to let someone else come in and mess around with it, or screw it up completely. But that's before I've made it. Who knows? If you choose the right director, the sequel might even be better." The report also says that Angelina Jolie's publicist had not confirmed whether or not the Lara Croft actress had signed for two further sequels.

Shooting was due to begin today, but new rumours about Jolie's current maternal state may postpone filming.