Embracer Group has announced the members of the Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2023 have now been appointed, in turn listing the five largest shareholders in terms of voting rights that wish to participate in the committee. The members of the Nomination Committee have now been appointed based on the ownership structure as of 30 November 2022.

The following members have been appointed: Per Fredriksson, appointed by Lars Wingefors AB, is the Chair of the committee. Michael Levy, appointed by S3D Media Inc. Ola Ahman, appointed by Savvy Gaming Group. Lennart Francke, appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder and Henrik Olsson, appointed by Canada Pension Plan Investment Board.

"The Nomination Committee is assigned to prepare and present proposals to the 2023 Annual General Meeting regarding Chair at the Annual General Meeting, candidates for the Chair position and other members of the Board, Board remuneration and other remuneration for Board work to each Board member, remuneration to members of different committees within the Board, election of, and remuneration to, auditor, and, if applicable, principles for the Nomination Committee."

Embracer Group