Lara's Shadow and Beneath The Ashes, downloadable content for Tomb Raider Underworld, may finally be arriving on PC, twelve years after releasing exclusively on Microsoft Xbox 360. Director of Community Meagan Marie updated viewers on the work going on behind the scenes during an official Tomb Raider 25 livestream on Twitch.

Progress has been made in regards to the legal challenges porting both extended chapters to PC and the studio will now decide if they are able to allocate the resources required to complete the product transition. The update can be viewed here at the correct timestamp.

In Beneath the Ashes, Lara Croft returns to the remains of Croft Manor in order to find a powerful artifact hidden in a mysterious centuries-old labyrinth deep beneath the estate. Lara's Shadow offers players a new perspective experiencing the world as a powerful doppelganger. Both DLC's are still available to purchase on the Microsoft Store for Xbox.