Copyright 2000
[ August 9th 2000 ]
Raider: Chronicles...Is she or isn't she. According
to Core Design's Adrian Smith, "she could wake
up, have banged her head in the shower and it
all would have been a horrible dream..." mocking
that infamous episode from the television soap
Dallas. Adrian also comments during an interview
in this months UK Playstation magazine of the
"deluge of email" received from frantic Tomb Raider
fans across the globe quizzing the company on
whether their worldly adventurer Lara Croft was
actually dead, having been consumed by the Temple
of Horus at the close of the suggestively named
The Last Revelation.
"We left
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation on a bit of a
cliff hanger with Lara sealed in a tomb and people
not knowing whether she's alive or dead. We're
going to carry this premise on through Tomb Raider:
Chronicles. Chronicles is what it really is. It's
adventures that people haven' known about and
a way to reinforce the fact that Lara has been
around for a long time."
has passed and we're five days on from the end
of The Last Revelation," Adrian continues, "Lara's
body hasn't been recovered, people can't imagine
that she's dead and sealed in the tomb. The whole
effect we want to create is the cinematic setting
of a funeral at Croft Manor. It's Lara's family
home, steeped in mystery. People have seen this
house many times but here is a whole new area
of it. - the family burial ground. Lara's friends
and close relations are there to put Lara Croft
to rest, and the world's media is also there as
this is a huge occasion."
The game
begins with the scene at the funeral of our heroine
Miss Lara Croft, feared consumed in the Temple
Of Horus at the end of The Last Revelation (aka
Tomb Raider 4). Wilson and several other guests
begin to reminisce of adventures entertaining
Lara to the covenants of the globe. "It's a flash
back from her friends and colleagues that you'll
have met," continues Smith. "People like Jean
Yves and Pierre from the earlier games in the
series reminiscing on adventures and exploits
they had with Lara in the early day. It's a really
good way of ending the chapter of what we currently
know as Lara Croft and Tomb Raider."
On Chronicles,
"We're treating each adventure as four seperate
games. They're all different passages in Lara's
life, so there's potentially different attributes
you'll have in each of them. A lot of new things
will be put in and combined with features from
the past four adventures. "For example, when we
looked back there was a lot of stuf we put into
Tomb Raider III that we didn't carry across to
The Last Revelation, So we've put them back into
this latest adventure."
Raider: Chronicles features a host of new moves,
improved graphics and performance, and even a
companian for Lara in the Tower Block levels.
Smith describes the improvements as "leaving the
core technology predominately the same, but changing
all the areas around that." "While we've pushed
the technology as far as we can, we've gone over
everything again. A lot of the focus for Chronicles
has been improving elements such as the camera
system and control mechanism that we've always
wanted to go back and revisit.
will also have new moves in there and those moves
will be key to actually achieving some of the
goals in each mission - the tightrope walk is
one them and it's great to see Lara edging across
and wobbling from left to right. "There's a lot
more interaction with Lara's enviroment. If she's
searching in cupboards and filing cabinets, she'll
be able to pull stuff out of them. There are objects
that she can actually search out rather than just
picking up objects lying on the floor. She'll
have to open doors, look through them and find
things. "We've put the duster over the whole thing,
in essence."
Smith also comments on the upcoming Simon West
movie Tomb Raider Movie, starring Angelina Jolie
as Miss Lara Croft and due for a summer 2001 release.
"We've got the Tomb Raider Movie coming, which
is being filmed as we speak so we might include
some of that or maybe some of the teaser ads.
We've also looked at taking some of the original
maps and levels and putting them though the new
technology - the lighting would be better and
they'd look much better, it'd move faster and
Lara might have different outfits."
on the possibility of a sixth installment of Tomb
Raider, named Next Generation, Smith confirms
that people had for some time realised that Core
had been working on "something special." "It's
got to be something different and while, yes,
it's got to be Lara Croft, people want to see
her doing something different. So we've got to
bring a new game in there. "Chronicles means we
can finish this chapter off, then start a new
one on Playstation II" The question still remains,
and will ponder on the lips of fans until November
when Chronicles makes it's commercial debut....
Is she or isn't she ?