The Last Revelation
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Microsite bursting at the seams with screenshots, media, pictures, movies and our HQ walkthrough.


PC Edition - v1.0

Important: Facing North: In order for any of these cheats to work, Lara MUST BE FACING NORTH and the COMPASS TRANSPARENT. Do do this, Find a block that faces north, climb on top of it . Now check your inventory screen; your compass should be transparent.

Unlimited Weapons: Position Lara to face exactly north. Then enter the Inventory screen and look at the compass. If is not transparent, reposition Lara. Goto the small medipak, hold G + U + N + S, then release.

All Weapons: First enable the Unlimited Items code above, close the inventory and re-enter the inventory. Goto the large medipak, hold W + E + A + P + O + N + S, then release.

Level Skip: Position Lara to face exactly north. Then enter the Inventory screen and look at the compass. If is not transparent, reposition Lara. Goto Load Game, hold H + E + L + P, then release and close the inventory to skip to the next level.

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