First go to
lara's house. Once there, lock butler into freezer then
go to Lara's room. Open door and pick up flares. Go
up into the attic. Use the flares and find the blue-green
box and push it into wall. Then go to the library up
stairs and push a book that is jutting out from the
wall. This will turn off fire.
Go into the
now extinguished fire place, and the left wall will
be cimbable. Once up you will find yourself in a secret
room. Vault up onto the ledge and push the top box over
to the corner of the room. DO NOT GO OUT YET. First
pull the lever showing you a secret door open. While
you are being shown the door, press O.
Now you can
go out. Sprint and jump over the banisters. If you've
made it on time you should follow the hallways and end
up in in the basement with an aquarium and another blue-green
Search outside
of the aquarium for the key before going in it push
L1 and up to look up and you will see a hole in the
ceiling. Pull the box under the hole, and jump into
it. follow this and it will go into the aquarium. Go
to where you saw the key and press X to pick it up.
Raider III