Level Skip: While in a level do the following with Lara: Press the Forward Slash key (/) so that Lara will draw a flare. Now walk one step forward (hold down the walk key and press the up arrow), take one step backward (hold down the walk key and press the down arrow), turn around 3 full times (doesn't matter which direction), and then do a Forward jump.

Weapons Code: While in a level do the following with Lara: Press the Forward Slash key (/) so that Lara will draw a flare. Now walk one step forward (hold down the walk key and press the up arrow), take one step backward (hold down the walk key and press the down arrow), turn around 3 full times (doesn't matter which direction), and then do a Backward jump.

Destroy Lara Croft: While in a level do one of the previous codes but without lighting flare first. Lara blows up into many little pieces with cool explosions.

Tomb Raider II

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