Copyright 2002 Associated Press

[ March 6th 2002 ]

Call it rock 'n' roll poetry, indigenous blues fusion, or whatever you want. John Trudell's Bone Days refuses to be categorized. Trudell's band, Bad Dog, provides intoxicating rock/blues/tribal rhythms on all 13 songs, but it's not just about the music. He passionately recites his poetry on topics such as anger, violence, evil and loss, but it's not just about the words.

Listening to Trudell's poetry will suck you into his world, while the music will infect your soul and give you an itch to get up and dance. Heard together, the effect is intense and hypnotic. Trudell, a Santee Sioux Indian who was active in the American Indian movement in the 1970s, may be outside the Top 40 radar, but he has many well-known supporters.

Angelina Jolie serves as executive producer on Bone Days. Jackson Browne produced one of his earlier albums, and Bob Dylan praised Trudell's AKA Grafitti Man album. Dylan ought to give Bone Days a listen, as should anyone looking for something unflinchingly real in the normally plastic world of pop music.

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