Copyright 2002
[ February 23rd 2002 ]
Q: My
sister and I were watching the movie Tomb Raider
and we were wondering if it is true or possible
that all the planets can be perfectly aligned
as shown in the movie ?
A: All
the planets can align but not the way the movie
showed it: perfectly in a row. In an early scene,
we see the actress, Angelina Jolie, semi reclining
while looking through a telescope at the developing
alignment. She sees the planets Uranus, Neptune,
and Pluto beginning to align. It's highly unlikely
to happen that way-ever - because our planets
orbit the Sun in different planes. Each orbit
is tilted off from the others and Pluto is tilted
by a whopping 17 degrees.
the most nearly perfect alignment on record happened
in 1952 BC and involved the six planets Mercury
through Saturn. Then, seen from Earth, they were
all within a circle, which was about six times
wider than the full Moon. Something, surely, to
marvel at but not the perfect geometry of the
movie. Angelina could not fit that big a circle
within the telescope field of view.
that circle did not include the rest of them:
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Our figure depicts
the most recent planetary conjunction (which occurred
on May 5, 2000) as seen from above the Sun's North
Pole. The planets are sort of in a line but not
The probability
of all nine planets and the Moon aligning perfectly
is 1 in 86 billion-trillion-trillion-trillion
years. Our solar system has only been around for
4.6 billion years and its total life is only 10
billion years. The chances are: a perfect alignment
won't happen during the lifetime of our Moon,
Sun, and planets.