Copyright 2001

[ October 11th 2001 ]

Billy Bob Thornton has defended another media image assault by claiming there is nothing strange about his relationship with Tomb Raider star Angelina Jolie. "A lot of people say a lot of weird stuff about us," he says. "The fact of the matter is, maybe when you're trying to get a foothold you play up the edgier elements of yourself because that's what people are interested in.

"And both of us have done that to a certain degree. And along the way, people are so much more interested in the weird stuff than they are in the normal stuff. We're a lot more regular than people would think. They might be disappointed, in a way, if they're around us very much. 'Hey, when you guys going to do something really weird?' We don't really do that many weird things. We spend probably half our time watching the Game Show Network," he grins.

The couple recently hit the headlines when details of their anniversary gifts were made public. Jolie bought her husband a grave-plot, and Billy Bob countered by making a trip to the local hospital to have blood withdrawn, and painted pictures for Jolie with it! "Yeah, but you know I didn’t paint crows over the wheat field or whatever," Thornton laughed, "It was just words..."

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