Copyright 2001

[ October 9th 2001 ]

Fearing unrest could spread, Pakistan stepped up security in its capital today and detained three Muslim clerics who organized anti-American demonstrations. Riot police were called to bring order the region, and lined up against a bill-board advertising Paramount Pictures Lara Croft Tomb Raider, The Star Online reports today.

The $100m action adventure movie based on the videogame of the same name stars Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie who was recently appointed a United Nations goodwill ambassador for the High Commission for Refugees.

During an interview with CNN talk-show host Larry King, the 27-year-old actress pleaded with her fellow countrymen not to punish displaced refugees fleeing Afghanistan for atrocities committed by terrorists sheltering in their country.

Jolie also donated $1m to help fund humanitarian efforts in and around Afghanistan as the U.S. military continues its asault on the region in response to the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks.

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