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[ October 8th 2001 ]

While most recent premieres have been either low-key affairs or canceled outright, MGM brought the business of launching movies back up to speed by giving Bandits a major send-off. Billy Bob Thornton coupled with Tomb Raider star Angelina Jolie joined a host of celebrities including Bruce Will and Demi Moore at the Las Angeles gala, Variety reports today.

Despite a bright yellow security barricade blocking the street outside the Village Theater, Bandits got the classic Hollywood treatment, beginning with a packed press line and ending with a spare-no-expense Spago after-party that included tenting the adjacent street. MGM chief operations officer Chris McGurk said the studio went all out with the film because "when you have a quality director, quality screenplay, quality actors, you don't sit and cut corners. You invest behind the quality elements."

Director Barry Levinson said his film "takes a lot of genres and tweaks them and plays around with them. It's a romantic comedy slash behavioral comedy slash road pic slash relationship comedy - there's a lot of slashes, but there's an overall spirit that holds it together."

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