Copyright 2001

[ September 6th 2001 ]

Lara Croft Tomb Raider star Angelina Jolie has been anointed the coveted "most fan-friendliest" actress by The National Inquirer following a recent study into celebrity behavior. Also topping the honors list includes George Clooney and Eddie Murphy. Although former Oscar-winner Jolie is more familiar binding legal documents in blood, she sensibly elects to use traditional ink for autographs, coming up trumps in a poll so tongue-in-cheek it's licking a parallel universe.

At the opposite end of the spectrum - sporting their air-tight fan-repellent all-in-one body-suits whenever a celebrity bash teases them into the public eye - British actress Catherine Zeta Jones still proves a difficult catch for autograph hunters along with teenage pop sensation Britney Spears, Cameron Diaz and Sean Connery.

The National Inquirer - which sourced its data from Autograph Collector magazine - also honors Gladiator star Russell Crowe who's only too happy to sign his first-name whenever a deluge of smitten fans, frantically waving their pens and notepads in the air like crazed baboons on more than one shot of heat, encompasses him.

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