Copyright 2001
[ September 3rd 2001 ]
Corp. the worldwide leader in video and software
copy protection and digital rights management
technologies, announced today that its SafeCast
DRM technology will be used by element 5 AG, a
German company specializing in electronic software
distribution through the Internet, whose e-business
service has been selected by eJay AG, Europe's
leading supplier of music entertainment solutions,
to support Pepsi-Cola's promotion of the film
Tomb Raider.
copy protected and try-before-you-buy version
of the software is realized using a SafeCast 'digital
wrapper' with encrypted license manager that checks
the validity of the license each time the program
is started. SafeCast is a comprehensive digital
rights management (DRM) and security solution
for a variety of application, content, and entertainment
products, which includes a wide range of tools
that help publishers distribute and perform transactions
over the Internet using either CD-ROM or electronic
software distribution (ESD) and electronic license
distribution (ELD) technology.
Two million
action-music CD-ROMs will be distributed in Germany
during this promotion over the summer. In addition
to a film trailer and one level of the popular
computer game, each CD-ROM will contain eJay's
'Dance eJay 2' music creation software as a fully
functional 45-day trial version.
can purchase a license key online from element
5 to unlock the game instantly for use after the
trial version expires. element 5 will provide
all the e-commerce services including handling
the entire order, payment and delivery processing.
"In fulfilling
an order of this magnitude and for a well-known
customer like Pepsi-Cola, we needed a reliable
and secure software solution and fast order fulfillment,"
noted Hajo Ewert, director of Business Development
at eJay. "In element 5 and Macrovision, we have
found reliable partners that can offer more than
just a technical solution for selling software.
The high quality of element 5's customer support
and reporting also bodes well for our collaboration
in future projects."