Joy Hua, Character Design Supervisor on Tomb Raider The Legend of Lara Croft, has expanded upon bridging the gap from classic Lara Croft to her more recent iteration and has highlighted the challenges the studio faces in optimising character animation in the upcoming Tomb Raider anime.

"One of things that we really wanted to make sure to bring out for this iteration of Lara is to make sure that we bridge the Lara Croft from the newer survivor games growing into the classic Lara that we know from the classic games. Having the existing video-games gives us a vast library to work with and so we can always reference older outfits that she's had from different climates and conditions and that's been really helpful." Joy Hua said during Powerhouse Animation's Tomb Raider showcase.

"We definitely have to pick and choose what to keep in there and make sure it is efficient for animation. Games have tons and tons of textures, you can build all sorts of details, intricate tattoos, stuff like that, so for us we have to really simplify so that the animation is particularly efficient."

The Tomb Raider anime is being produced by Netflix, Legendary, Tasha Huo and Dmitri M. Johnson's dj2 Entertainment. Actress Hayley Atwell will voice British archaeologist Lara Croft with Earl Baylon and Allen Maldonado onboard as Jonah Maiava and Zip. The show is set after the events of Shadow of the Tomb Raider and will stream exclusively on Netflix in 2024.

Lara Croft in Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Netflix Logo