Copyright 2001 Source:
[ May 30th 2001 ]
to Paramount Pictures Tomb Raider motion picture,
which was privately screened last Thursday in
Portland ahead of it's June 15th nationwide release,
has been mixed, and this latest report from rumour
mill Coming Soon suggests their could be trouble
ahead in the Lara Croft camp:
when word broke that Michael Kamen had left the
scoring duties on "Tomb Raider" and Graeme Revell
took over, well, we've received word from a very
reliable source that a change of composer was
not the only thing that went down. We know there
was a test screening in Portland on Thursday,
May 24th - but the reaction from the screening
was overall not too hot. Our source tells us that...
"Simon West turned in a terrible edit, virtually
unwatchable and a sure bomb. So the studio took
the film away from him and gave it to an editor
to completely re-cut. It's changed so much that
they are completely re-doing the score, and bleeding
money in round-the-clock overtime in order to
get the film finished in time." This can be backed-up
by a recent report on AICN who said Lloyd Levin
and his partner Lawrence Gordon ("Boogie Nights,"
"Mystery Men") are working overtime right now
to make sure that when June 15th hits, Lara Croft
is ready for her debut adventure.
news about Simon West's cut, however, let's hope
Levin & Gordon pull through.
Dark Horzons countered the Tomb Raider fears with
this report today posted by Vault Raider:
did not like the cut Simon West turned in many,
many, weeks ago. As was the case on MI2, Stuart
Baird was brought in to re-edit the film and it
was his version that was screened in Portland
last week. "The AICN report references this from
the mention of Stuart. This screening was overall
very positive with normal tweaking of a few scenes
here or there going on now. I believe they will
be completed this week. The only part of the score
that was altered was in the 5th reel. This was
already planned to emphasize certain dramatic
points anyway."