Copyright 2001 Source: Ericsson

[ May 17th 2001 ]

Ericssons new "Powered by Ericsson" slogan will appear in the $5 million broadcast and print ad campaign and carriers including AT&T Wireless and Cingular will also promote Ericsson's participation in Tomb Raider is mainly an attempt to appeal to the youth market, the Stockholm mobile phone giant announced today.

In the movie, the main character, played by Angelina Jolie, will use Ericsson concept gadgets and commercially available products, including the Bluetooth Headset, to combat the evil forces attempting to take over the planet. Paramount Pictures £100m motion picture from the video game of the same name will premier across the United States June 15th amid the fiercest media campaign launched to date. European cinema goers will have to wait till July 6th to see the Oscar winning Jolie as cyberbabe Lara Croft.

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