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[ January 18th 2013 ]

British videogame magazine Eurogamer fleshes out the reasons why Tomb Raider needs multiplayer in an interview with Eidos Montreal's Daniel Bisson. Both Tomb Raider single player and Tomb Raider multiplayer will release on March 5, 2013.

According to Bisson: "There are two reasons. The first is a selfish reason of mine. With single player, there's a start and there's an end. And you have some games with a rich universe, and you think you want to stay there forever and then it ends.

"The second thing comes from Crystal. I think they had some success with Guardian of Light, but when they were doing it people were asking why they were doing it.

"They stuck to their guns and they ended up with something pretty successful, and that was pretty good, and Darryl [Gallagher, Crystal Dynamics' head] came in and said he wanted to push that, he wanted to create that core experience and have it also a competitive experience."

Follow the fetching orange hyperlink to read the full interview via Eurogamer.

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