Copyright 2012

[ November 30th 2012 ]

Square Enix have confirmed Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness will be making a triumphant return via online gaming portal Steam. The Core Design title was held back when the older games found their way onto Steam ealier this week but will be available soon.

Classic Tomb Raider, the 1996 videogame which introduced gun-toting pistol-whipping Lara Croft to a generation, is now available to purchase and play via online portal Steam and is compatible with modern-day Windows thanks to DOSBox, an open source DOS emulator for BeOS, Linux, Mac OS X, OS/2, and Windows.

DOSBox is bundled with the Steam version of Tomb Raider. The game requires absolutely no tinkering with and will run seamlessly as soon as it's downloaded. DOSBox may well mean our patches for Tomb Raider are no longer required, but the ease at which this classic 1996 game now runs is staggering.

More On: The Angel of Darkness

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