Copyright 2010

[ August 12th 2010 ]

Square Enix Limited, the publisher of Square Enix interactive entertainment products in Europe and other PAL territories, announces today its exciting line-up of titles which will be on show at GamesCom 2010, Cologne, August 18th - 22nd.

This year's stand features a wide range of recognised wholly owned franchises such as Final Fantasy, Kane & Lynch and Deus EX. The stand boasts an enclosed 50 seat cinema for scheduled presentations of Final Fantasy XIV and the first public showing of Deus EX: Human Revolution.

"GamesCom continues to grow in prominence and this year's show promises to be something special," said Phil Rogers, chief executive officer of Square Enix Europe. "Our key titles reveal a powerful line-up of lead characters, innovative gameplay and action-packed storylines and GamesCom 2010 provides the perfect opportunity to share these upcoming games directly with consumers."

Games playable on the show floor include: Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes Of Light; Final Fantasy XIV; Front Mission Evolved; Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days; Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep and Lara Croft And The Guardian Of Light.

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