Copyright 2008
[ October 20th 2008 ]
Director Eric Lindstrom has expanded on the heath
system attached to Lara
Croft in Tomb
Raider Underworld. Developed by U.S. studio
Crystal Dynamics and designed specifically for
next generation platforms, the game will release
across Europe on November 21, 2008.
Raider Underworld is in submission. For those
who don''t know, that means we have submitted
final code for approval. Once granted, we're done!"
says Eric Lindstrom.
you don't believe it, take this as proof. I immediately
fell ill and have been home sick for over two
weeks. First time I've been sick in five years,
because this is the first time I could afford
to be. A body knows things like this.
in the UK for the official press launch, but because
of lead times I don't think anyone will see the
results of that right away. So for now, I'll answer
a question a lot of people have been asking for
a long time: how will the health System work?
arrive at each new location with full health and
no health packs. Each location has health packs
you can find - ancient remedies still lying around
(that your mother would never approve of you consuming)
or first aid packs in the few places where people
are nearby.
you get extremely hurt and don't use a health
pack, however, Lara regenerates health slowly
on her own till she reaches around 25%. It's frustrating
to be so close to death if you have no health
packs such that even a stumble can kill you, so
in line with What Could Lara Do, if she's strong
enough to run and jump, she's strong enough not
to die upon stumbling. "