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[ October 2nd 2008 ]

British publisher Eidos Interactive has appointed Manning Gottlieb OMD to handle its £3 million UK media business, according to Brand Republic. InvENTS, the agency's specialist entertainment division, will grind the axe for Tomb Raider Underworld across a broad range of channels and will create, direct and amplify the flow of influence between brands and consumers.

Manning Gottlieb OMD was created in 1990 as a media planning and buying agency specialising in creativity. It is headed by Managing Director, Robert Ffitch, who has been with the company since its inception. The firm says it believes in the power of ideas to influence consumer attitudes and behaviours with client brands and products.

Tomb Raider Underworld sees Lara undertake her riskiest mission yet, descending to the depths of the underworlds. The adventure has been designed for next generation consoles and will debut across European territories on November 21, 2008.

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