Copyright 2008

[ September 17th 2008 ]

Those international rascals from Lara Croft TV have published a stunning collection of official Alison Carroll as Lara Croft pictures in absolutely monstrous, browser-breaking, polygon-rich resolution. Alison Carroll became the new face (and body) of Lara Croft earlier this year. The London-born gymnast will tour the globe promoting Tomb Raider Underworld ahead of its release.

Lara Croft TV endeavours to provide an interactive journey plotting the meteoric rise to fame of Lara Croft. Their portfolio is packed with polygon-rich goodness including exclusive show-reels, beautifully scored music and high resolution imagery and is updated on a regular basis.

A rather nice little feature is that all imagery on Lara Croft TV is free from branding and watermarking, enabling fans of Tomb Raider to honker on down and produce their own custom pictures using Ultra HQ media from the entire Tomb Raider series. Collect the birthday-spoils below.

Go Lara Croft Pictures Massive-Stylie

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