Copyright 2008 Eidos plc Press Releas

[ July 18th 2008 ]

In an interview published in the Guardian newspaper this week (15th July 2008), Conservative Leader David Cameron compared taking his party to a second stage of modernisation to moving beyond level one of Tomb Raider.

The Guardian revealed David Cameron compared the opening level of the original Tomb Raider to the way he’s tried to transform his party’s image. The paper said: "The first level required him to prove 'you are a reasonable, decent, non-discriminating, sensible, practical person who understands the world as it is lived today, who wants to live in a modern world and who accepts what that means'."

As Eidos Interactive is about to unveil the latest installment in the record-breaking series, the publisher has extended a formal invitation for the Conservative Leader to attend next week’s media unveiling at 11:00am on Wednesday 23rd July at The Hospital, Covent Garden.

"We’re delighted to hear that David Cameron is talking to today’s voters using Tomb Raider as an analogy," says Jon Brooke, UK Head of Marketing, Eidos Interactive.

"As we build up towards launch, we’d be really pleased to offer him an exclusive look at the latest Lara Croft adventure, so he can see for himself how the series has evolved– and maybe come up with some high definition political parallels. Of course, both Gordon Brown and Nick Clegg are equally welcome, provided they all sit together nicely."

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