Copyright 2001
[ April 24th 2001 ]
On Command,
the leading provider of in-room interactive entertainment
which services the lodging and hotel industry
and it's guests, have announced the introduction
of two new Playstation titles, "Crash Bash" and
"Spyro: Year of the Dragon".
The new
games for the Sony developed console will join
a current extensive library of titles delivered
via On Command's interactive television platform.
These include Eidos Interactives Tomb Raider The
Last Revelation and CTR: Crash Team Racing. On
Command provides over 3,400 hotels and lodges
with state-of-the-art in-room entertainment and
information services delivered via an interactive
television. Guests using the facility simply point
and click with their remotes to order movies,
Playstation games or gain internet access.