Dreams and Visions Press Release

[ May 17th 2008 ]

Dreams and Visions Press, a boutique publishing firm located in Campbell, California, has announced its follow up release to the critically acclaimed Art of Ralph McQuarrie compendium. The sophomore effort will showcase artwork from one of the video game industry's preeminent franchises, Tomb Raider.

Concentrating on Lara Croft's adventures in the digital world, the book will encompass artwork from the video game franchise spanning its inception to the latest next generation game, Underworld. The book will coincide with the release of the next generation game in late 2008.

Among other artists, the book will contain early sketches from Lara Croft's creator Toby Gard, as well as never-seen-before storyboards, concept sketches, production art, and finished renderings. Eidos and Crystal Dynamics are working closely with Dreams and Visions Press to ensure that the legacy of Lara Croft is properly manifested and translated into print form.

"We are excited to finally offer this sort of tribute to Lara and her 12 successful years of raiding tombs around the world," says Lara Croft creator Toby Gard of Crystal Dynamics. "It's an excellent opportunity to showcase many of the artists' work who bring Lara's adventures to life in such a brilliant and vibrant form."

For more information contact Steffan Schulz at Dreams and Visions Press or visit

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