Copyright 2008
[ April 18th 2008 ]
To herald
the arrival of Tomb
Raider Legend in 2006, Eidos
produced a series of vignettes to support a global
advertising and awareness campaign. A 'vignette'
is a short, impressionistic scene that focuses
on one moment or gives a trenchant impression
about a character, an idea, or a setting. 16 short
films were produced by Crystal Dynamics and Eidos
and the deployment was met with a resounding success.
For Tomb
Raider Anniversary, Eidos and Crystal Dynamics
adopted the same principle in promoting the brand,
but this time utilised the power of a progressive
internet. Bits and bytes had been traded for megabytes
and gigabytes, modems were replaced with fibre
connections. Contention ratios were now within
acceptable limits and the speed of data emerged
as the new currency among Internet service providers.
the second series of vignettes showcasing Tomb
Raider Anniversary were deployed with smoother
frame rates and higher frame resolutions, much
to the delight of consumers sitting on the end
of fat Internet connections.
A third
series of vignettes showcasing Tomb
Raider Underworld is likely to continue in
much the same fashion with the power of a faster
Internet driving up frame rates and sizes for
a smoother ride. If you missed the first two seasons,
kick back and enjoy our official Tomb Raider Vignettes.
Raider Vignettes - Season One and Season Two