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[ April 8th 2008 ]

Newly anointed Eidos CEO Phil Rogers has given a candid interview with trade paper MCV on his vision for the British publisher and how restructuring will help tip the firm back on an even keel in the wake of yet more takeover rumours from rival companies.

"We want to be a leaner and fitter company in terms of what we do and what we release. In these situations you have to be honest, both internally and externally, and that is why we cancelled 14 titles. As a company we have been bringing out too many average games which are tying up resources. In today's environment of lengthening development cycles and increasing costs, we need to be more ruthless and focus on our quality titles."

On the performance of Tomb Raider Anniversary on Nintendo Wii, Rogers is optimistic and reports solid figures. "We have had good success with Tomb Raider Anniversary on the Wii and we have plenty of top quality Wii products coming so that isn't a concern to me. But again it all comes back to quality. There is no point bringing out Wii titles which are average or below; we need to make sure that our offerings on Wii have good, solid and fun game play."

Although Eidos has culled 14 titles which the firm said would not meet its standards of performance, Rogers leaves the door open on future developments. "We have a full complement; we have fantastic franchises, next-gen titles, Wii and DS titles, casual and mobile games and we are developing some incredible game technology.

"That said, we are always on the lookout for great property, from casual to next-gen titles and for distribution titles for our territory distribution offices. If the property is right, we are ready to talk."

Follow the fetching orange hyperlink to collect the full interview with Phil Rogers.

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