Copyright 2008

[ February 26th 2008 ]

The Tomb Raider community has long celebrated a rich pool of talent in the form of artists, writers, film makers and musicians. To herald the outstanding achievements produced by Lara Croft fans from across the globe and from all walks of life, we'll be spotlighting a hand-picked selection from some of our favourite contributors.

Tampi - a member of Tomb Raider Forums - has been producing illustrations of Lara Croft as homage to the Tomb Raider franchise for years. His work has been celebrated on numerous forums, and his latest Lara Croft Moto entry has captured the imagination of many fans and received critical acclaim.

Quite what goes into a final production is often overlooked. From the first stroke of a pen, through a rough sketch, through colouring and lighting, pre-production and culminating with the final artwork. Tampi invites you to view his entire storyboard, from start to finish, by following the below hyperlink.

To submit your own Lara Croft and Tomb Raider-inspired artwork, hop on over to Tomb Raider Forums and make your mark in our dedicated fan artwork section.

The Making Of Lara Moto

The Making Of Lara Moto

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