Copyright 2008

[ February 2nd 2008 ]

One of the centrepieces in Tomb Raider Underworld will be the unravelling of the mystery surrounding the five missing days of the Mayan calendar, an apocalyptic time when the portals between the mortal realm and the Underworld dissolve, allowing ill-intending deities to causing disaster and mayhem.

In order to accurately portray both the Mayan culture and the ruins of Southern Mexico, U.S. developer Crystal Dynamics travelled to Uxmal on the Yucatán peninsula to photograph and research reference points for Tomb Raider Underworld. Their journey was captured on digital camera, and photographs from the visit can be collected below.

Translated, Uxmal -pronounced "oosh-mahl" - means "thrice built" and refers to the construction of its highest structure, the Pyramid of the Magician. The region pre-dates 10th Century AD and houses a compact collection of temples and pyramids.

Follow the fetching orange hyperlink for further reading, and direct you mouse below for the Crystal Dynamics Uxmal photograph collection.

Uxmal Mayan Reference Photographs

Crystal Dynamics Uxmal Photograph Collection

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