Copyright 2008

[ January 29th 2008 ]

The newly launched Total PC Gaming magazine has scored a major coup by securing a world-exclusive preview of Tomb Raider Underworld on the PC, thanks to an exclusive deal between Imagine Publishing and industry giant Eidos.

On sale on 24 January, issue four of Total PC Gaming features never-seen-before screenshots, game info and developer interviews on the truly next-generation gameplay and environments gamers can expect upon Underworld's Christmas 2008 release. The magazine also can be purchased online by following this fetching orange hyperlink.

In addition to looking behind the scenes at the development of the game, the feature uncovers several new additions to gameplay. This includes Lara's ability to target separate enemies while dual-wielding and attacking enemies while climbing.

"We're delighted that, after only a few months in print, Total PC Gaming was able to secure an exclusive with the kudos and heritage of the Tomb Raider series," said Editor in Chief, Dave Harfield. "When it comes to PC gaming, there's no greater icon than Lara Croft and it's a testament to the quality of Total PC Gaming that Eidos chose this magazine as a platform on which to unveil her latest incarnation."

Russell Barnes, Editor added, "Since its launch in October 2007, Total PC Gaming has quickly become recognised by the industry and its readers as a heavyweight alternative to the staid crop of current PC Games magazines. This exclusive is a clear sign that Total PC Gaming has arrived and is already a force to be reckoned with in the PC magazine market."

Total PC Gaming is the next-generation PC games magazine aimed at capturing the excitement and continued evolution of the burgeoning PC gaming scene. It incorporates dedicated modding, hardware and retro-gaming sections, and the industry's first MMO mini-magazine.

Priced at just £3.99, Total PC Gaming features 148 glossy pages of the latest PC games news, previews, reviews, hardware group tests, retro classics and features. Visit the Total PC Gaming website at

Imagine Publishing is one of the UK's fastest-growing consumer specialist publishers. Formed in May 2005, it now publishes 20 magazines and 20 websites in the videogames, computing, entertainment and photography markets. An Imagine magazine is purchased every ten seconds.

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