Copyright 2006

[ April 20th 2006 ]

Angelina Jolie will reprise her role as video-game heroine Lara Croft in a third Tomb Raider movie if the success of Tomb Raider Legend warrants investment from Paramount. "Paramount has optioned it and Angelina has agreed to star in the third." Eidos' Ian Livingstone told British newspaper The Express.

The previous two movies have grossed more than $450m (£262m, E383m) at the box office and are based on the video game of the same name. Sources in Hollywood say negotiations have started between Paramount and SCI - who acquired rival British publisher Eidos earlier this year - for the latest movie.

Angelina Jolie had already expressed an interest in returning as Lara Croft despite previously dismissing a third picture following domestic indifference to Tomb Raider: The Cradle Of Life. Chris Barrie has also registered his support to resume his role as Lara's fumbling butler Hilary.

SCI Entertainment Group is likely to negotiate a tougher deal for its property under chief executive Jane Cavanagh, who is one of Britain's most successful female executives. Eidos reportedly collected only $1 million from Paramount Pictures prior to production of Lara Croft Tomb Raider.

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