Copyright 2005 & UNCHR

[ November 28th 2005 ]

United Nations ambassador Angelina Jolie has spoken of her tour in Pakistan to raise awareness on the impact of the October 8 earthquake that killed at least 73,000 people and left tens of thousands homeless in one of the poorest areas of a generally impoverished country.

UNHCR, mandated to protect refugees, is not normally involved in natural disasters. But for the second time in a year - this earthquake and the tsunami that devastated the coasts of south and south-east Asia last December - the UN refugee agency found itself at the centre of an overwhelming humanitarian crisis.

"You fly over the area and you can't believe it," said Jolie during her three-day visit for the UN refugee agency that ended on Saturday. "No one sitting at home has any idea what this really looks like. It is unbelievable. For 20 minutes flying we just saw one house after another broken. There is nothing standing."

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Angelina Jolie on tour in Pakistan

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