Copyright 2005 F4G Software plc
[ April 15th 2005 ]
management and funding specialists Fund4Games
has acquired the assets of videogames publisher
Acclaim Europe, which went into administration
in 2004. Two titles which were in production at
Acclaim's Manchester Studio are now being completed
and Fund4Games is actively seeking publishing
partners for Interview With A Made Man and ATV3.
is being carried out in Manchester by a team who
previously worked on the titles with Acclaim,
ensuring continuity within the design and development
process. Both titles will be displayed behind
closed doors at E3 in Los Angeles in May 2005.
Another two Acclaim games titles, also acquired
by Fund4Games are still being evaluated by the
is a unique and innovative organisation which
provides both project management and funding for
the development of videogame properties. The company
finances individual projects, rather than investing
in companies which gives a much greater freedom
to work with new development studios or smaller
has worked on a number of titles in the past two
years including the highly anticipated street
racing game Juiced (due for release in May), World
Championship Rugby (which reached number 2 in
the French and UK charts) and Urban Freestyle
Tim Gatland,
the Chief Executive of Fund4Games, said, "Acquiring
the assets of Acclaim's European operation is
a significant step for Fund4Games, but one we
believe fits very well with the company's ongoing
strategy. Interview With A Made Man and ATV 3
are now being completed by a superb team and we're
now contacting publishers who may be interested
in the titles. We're very pleased with the progress
made to date and we're looking forward to a successful
development and release of the titles."