Copyright 2005

[ January 26th 2005 ]

News spotted on Brand Republic suggests Adidas has struck a global deal with games developer Eidos to promote its Hyperride shoe. A game based on the urban sport of free-running will debut on the handheld PlayStation Portable device across Europe in March. Called 'Freerunning', it will be extended to the PlayStation console in June. By using the Hyperride shoes, the players' performance is enhanced. An ad campaign for the game will run on screens in 500 European outlets of retailer Footlocker, which has exclusive rights to sell the shoe. The trailer will feature a mix of the real-life exponents of free-running and their computer-animated alter egos from the game.

Since Eidos confirmed Tomb Raider creators Core Design would be geared up to produce and develop titles for Sony's PSP gaming platform, one can only speculate this latest title may also come from the former home of Lara Croft. Several weeks ago, IGN sent us word on a recent faux par from a Channel 4 documentary which could have revealed an upcoming project from British studio Core Design. During a program focusing on Parkour - a new urban sport whereby folk manipulate objects within their urban surroundings in order to create new and interesting ways of moving - a title based around the sport and several of the big names attached to it was revealed.

More information on the Adidas deal and Core Design soon.

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