Copyright 2001
[ January 6th 2001 ]
Jones has done what programmers have been thumbing
pencils and tappings keys over ever since the
Core release of the Chronicles Level Editor, he's
released a Texure Editor for Level Editor users,
enabling them to convert custom designed bitmaps
for use within their playable levels.
stopped by and had this to say about his Texture
motivated you to compile the editor ?
It was
basically due to the lack of a program that would
assist in the creation of textures with the Level
Editor. For a while I used Windows Paint to select
the tiles I wanted to use in my own levels. This
can become very tedious and a mistake in lining
up the tiles can lead to the whole texture set
being useless and not looking right within the
game. Plus the fact that it would take a couple
hours work to create a set started me thinking.
I mean the two hours spent making the set meant
two hours not working on the level you wanted.
Because none of the drawing packages I used offered
the facility I wanted to use I started looking
through the read me files provided with my copy
of visual basic to see if there was any way of
accomplishing the task I wanted to do.
there was and the program came into being after
around four days work on programming it. I must
thank John Dodis though for providing the crucial
one line piece of code I needed, without which
the program would have never been completed. Also
I must admit that another motivation was so that
I could have something on my site which would
hopefully attract visitors. The Save Game Editors
had all been done along with just about everything
else so this was the most original thing I could
think of to provide to Tomb Raider fans without
being seen as stealing somebody else's idea.
How did
you get into Tomb Raider ?
To cut
a long story short I first meet Lara on the PlayStation
back in 1995 at a visit to my uncles. I didn't
like the look of the game, I wasn't used to the
3rf person perspective, preferring to stick with
my Mario instead. It wasn't until around three
months later that I realised the power of the
PlayStation for its time so I bought one dropping
Lara for Crash Bandicoot instead. Don't laugh
the first Crash was really worth a play. Anyway
basically because I had ever only seen the first
level I got a hold of the demo which featured
the second level and I fell in love with the game.
The web site developed out of the fact that I
got stuck and none of the walkthroughs at the
time did anything to help. So after solving the
first game I went back and wrote what I wanted
to be a decent walkthrough. My friends and family
thought it was useful and so I stuck it on the
internet in 96 at the time when I was learning
how to use and program for it. And here we end
up where we are today.
is the future of Texture Edit ?
been some interest in the program so I've started
to look into features I can add into the program.
Nothing to major that will make it unusable but
adding support for reading gif and jpg files and
the like. Fixing errors and streamlining the code.
I wouldn't expect any major update to the program
for around three months but I am working on a
tutorial and manual that will accompany it.
who is John Jones ?
At the
moment I'm a student studying for my computer
related qualifications that will hopefully some
day set me up in a paid job. Until then I'm left
with some spare time in which I work on my web
site and I now and then do a bit of programming
windows applications.
My site normally gets
the priority of my tasks which is why I haven't
written a program before for it