Copyright 2004

[ May 16th 2004 ]

Academy Award winner Angelina Jolie blames the poor box-office performance of the Tomb Raider motion picture's on her assets. "They should have left the posters as nature intended. They airbrushed my boobs right out - and that's what got all the attention, not the storyline." the Hollywood stunner told reporters at Cannes Film Festival - where both Angelina Jolie and co-star Will Smith are promoting their animated pic Shark Tale.

Paramount Pictures' Tomb Raider motion picture's panned at the U.S. box office, fuelling rumours the originally planned trilogy would be scrapped. Franchise producer Lawrence Gordon appeared to support the claims during an interview on the set of Hellboy. "I don't think the financiers will do it," he told Sun Times. "I don't think the last film did the business we expected. Of course, I'd love to do another one. Angelina Jolie is perfect as Lara Croft."

DreamWorks Pictures and Co. have converged in Cannes to promote the upcoming animated motion picture Shark Tale, tapping the vocal talents of Will Smith as Oscar the fast-talking hustler and Angelina Jolie as Lola - a sensuous dragon fish. Pic unfolds as the sea underworld is shaken up when the son of the shark mob boss is found dead and a young fish named Oscar is found at the scene. Movie opens October 1.

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