Copyright 2004 www.tombraiderchronicles.com

[ April 6th 2004 ]

Eidos CEO Mike McGarvey has briefly commented on the new Tomb Raider video game currently being developed by Crystal Dynamics during a recorded conference call as part of the company's bi-annual trading update. "We saw a new version of Tomb Raider for the first time last week at our development meeting and we were extremely impressed with the progress that's been made so far," said McGarvey.

"We're still doing a lot of market research, in terms of direction of the content and the character, but the fundamental technology is already complete and the character is up and running in the environment with new moves and new control systems. So we're extremely encouraged to see that progress. We're not in a position right now to articulate the creative direction of the franchise. It's still a little early. But we're certainly very excited about what we've seen so far."

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