Copyright 2003

[ January 17th 2003 ]

According to reliable sources, two trailers for Par's upcoming movie The Cradle Of Life are being prepared for release. Rushes are currently negotiating their way through post-production with heavy speculation indicating an appearance in the coming weeks. Final bit of info to digest over your morning caffeine fix, the fresh aroma of ground coffee effervescent in the air... Angelina Jolie has now left Hong Kong after shooting action scenes against the panoramic backdrop of Victoria Harbour and blasting her way through several oriental shopping malls.

Post production staff, bodies charged with caffeine and sporting nervous glints in their darting eyes, are now relentlessly scoring sections of celluloid from the final cut with a pair of rusty scissors readying Par's Tomb Raider sequel for its July 25th silver screen debut. The Jan de Bont helmed flick welcomes back Oscar winning actress and Hollywood superstar Angelina Jolie in the second of three movies riding the Tomb Raider franchise like a pounding buckaroo star strapped to a heaving beast with gold coins showering from ripped demin. Red Dwarf star Chris Barrie also returns as Lara's fussing butler Hillary. Bless.

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