Copyright 2002 www.tombraiderchronicles.com

[ November 13th 2002 ]

Core Design has secured the vocal talents of some of today's most explosive actors, including stage and screen veteran Joss Ackland, for voice-over roles performing characters from the upcoming Tomb Raider adventure Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel Of Darkness. We sensationally reveal the answer to the question on the lips of Tomb Raider fans across the globe. Who is the new Lara Croft?

Tomb Raider Chronicles caught up with experienced voice-over artist and actress Jonell Elliott and quizzed her on her role as Britain's most potent female videogame export to date and confirm her return as the electrically charged voice of Lara Croft. Check out our exclusive interview below:

see also - Exclusive recording images

1. Hello Jonell. Thank you for taking the time to answers our questions. Our leading questing is on your identity which so far has been shrouded in mystery. Who are you? Have you done voice-over work before? Have you performed on-screen or on-stage before? If so, in what productions?

Jonell: My name is Jonell Elliott and I am an experienced voice-over artist and actress. My voice-over credits include commercials for Wella, Oil of Olay, Macdonald's, Loot, Nescafe, Dover Court, BU Perfume, Daily Mail, Lloyds bank, Sony, Natwest, Natural plus and many more. I've been a regular on Disney, Living and Cartoon Network promos and very popular on CD-Rom games such as The Island of Doctor Moreau and City Of The Lost Children.

I have also voiced a few cartoon series such as Enigma and Angelina Ballerina for ITV. Visually I was a regular in Grange Hill (BBC), Family Affairs, (Channel 5), Second Sight (BBC), and Beer Goggles which is a film for Channel 4. I've also appeared in Elvis The Musical in the West End (1996) and performed at the Edinburgh Festival in A Brief Affair.

2. In less than three months, hundreds of thousands of Tomb Raider fans will be hearing your voice as Lara Croft. How does that make you feel? Were you nervous when you first began recording?

Jonell: Well obviously it's been very exciting and a huge honour to record the voice of the character Lara Croft for the game Tomb Raider, over the past few years. I've voiced Lara on Tomb Raider 4, 5 and 6: The Angel of Darkness, so I'm pretty comfortable in her skin right now. As for being nervous I find whenever I'm recording I so thoroughly enjoy the experience that I find no time to get nervous.

3. As you are aware, the Tomb Raider phenomenon is one of this generations most potent franchises. Why do you think Lara Croft has captured the imagination of fans across the world?

Jonell: I believe that Lara has become such the star she is today because of the positive image that she portrays. Obviously the world was ready for a strong, intellectual female adventurer - especially a girl with such attitude.

4. Were you familiar with the Tomb Raider series before taking on the role of Lara Croft? If so, what Tomb Raider games have you played? Did you complete any?

Jonell: Of course I was aware of the huge success of Tomb Raider and on occasion I've tried playing all the Tomb Raider games except of course The Angel of Darkness. I'm afraid to say I've never completed any of them, but just voicing the character of Lara Croft makes me feel I've experienced lots of adventures already.

5. How were you initially coached when first recording for The Angel Of Darkness. What tips did you receive to portray the Lara Croft character?

Jonell: I was fortunate enough to have the voice they were looking for, and of course the first title I was involved with - The Last Revelation - featured Lara's 16 year old voice which I was also capable of producing.

6. What aspect of recording did you enjoy the most?

Jonell: Interacting with all other actors who played the other various roles.

7. What aspect of recording did you find the most difficult?

Jonell: There wasn't anything in particular that I found difficult.

8. Do you have a particular favourite Lara Croft catchphrase or dialogue?

Jonell: There are so many graft scenes and characters it's too difficult to make a choice, but I just love her quick wit and sarcasm.

9. Where would you like to see your Lara Croft outtakes?

Jonell: They are all in a secret vault somewhere, never to be heard!

10. Re: Question #9 - Do you want to buy them back? :)

Jonell: Not in my life time!!

11. If this was your first voice-over project, would you consider doing it again?

Jonell: As you can see it's not my first job, but I was delighted to be offered the voice of Lara Croft and wouldn't hesitate to do it again. It has been a pleasure working with Core Design, Eidos and everyone else involved.

12. Have you recorded for all three Tomb Raider The Angel Of Darkness episodes or just the Feb 2003 release? What do you think of the "epic scale" storyline?

Jonell: Well as you can imagine I can't give too much away, needless to say though - I don't think you've heard the last of me yet!

13. Now you've finished recording for Core Design, will you be available for weddings, Bar mitzvah's or premium rate telephone work as the character of Lara Croft? :)

Jonell: That side of the business is dealt with by my agent, but all things are considered...

Thanks again for your time.

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