Find Cafe Metro in Place d'Arcade. (Janice) |
Find Bouchard's club Le Serpent Rouge. (Info by the City guide) |
Find Bouchard's new premises. (Janice) |
Find Bernard, ex-Janitor at the club. (Janice) |
Contact cafe owner, Pierre, ex-barman at the club. (Janice) |
Retrieve the "Box" at Serpend Rouge. In broken lighting rig. (By talking to either Pierre or Bernard) |
Contact Francine. 17 Rue Dominique. Code 15328 (Trinket Box to Pierre)/ Find the Doorman. (Trinket Box to Bernard) |
Find Bouchard's Doorman. (Herbalist) |
Deliver passports to Daniel Rennes, pawnbroker - Rue St. Mark and Cours la Seine. |
Eckhardt - client. Be wary! |
Louis Bouchard. Useful contact - purchased handgun. Discretion assured. |
Terrified to go out. Monstrum terrorissing the streets. |
Tried contacting Lara again in London. Still not forgiven me for Egypt. |
Obscura Paintings: five 15th century works of Black alchemic magic. All lost, hidden by the Lux Veritatis. |
Five Obscura Engravings - drawn copies of the Paintings. Contain encrypted maps of each Painting's location? |
Mathias Vasiley in Prague. Has sent me four Obscura Engravings. He kept the fifth Engraving back. Wants more money. |
Deciphered the encryptd map in Vasiley's Engravings. One of the Paintings is beneath the Louvre. Where the latest archaeological digs are. |
Carvier says she has a security pass for the digs in her office. |
A metallic symbol is hidden beneath surface of each painting. Check with Carvier about X-Ray facilities in Louvre? |
Lux Veritatis - "Light of Truth". A secret 12th century Order of warrior monks who hid the Obscura Paintings in the 1400's. |
Said to posses the three Periapt Shards - artifacts of power, crystalline shards shaped like spearheads - "weapons of light" !!?? |
Lux Veritatis try to suppress the Cabal of the Black Alchemist from the 1300's onwards. |
Lux Veritatis - links to Nephilim??? |
Nephilim - from ENOCHIAN gospels. Cursed hybrid offspring of angels and humans. Exterminated in biblical times. |
Related prophecy: "Through the Golden Lion the Nephilim will enslave the sons of man and inherit the Earth". |
The Sleepr or Cubiculum Nephili - literally "sleeping cask" or "chamber". Thought to be the last intact specimen of the Nephilim race. Supposedly buried in Anatolia, TURKEY. |
The Sanglyph - some artifact of alchemic power? Linked to the Black Alchemist in 1400's. Details scarce. |
The two missing symbols are hidden close by the buttress. |