Tomb Raider Underworld Walkthrough and Game Guide
Featuring All Secrets and Hidden Rewards

Level 5: Southern Mexico | Part 3: The Midgard Serpent

Flame House\ Getting the Treasure (36/50) and going across

Approach the right hand side of the room and wait for the statue to stop breathing fire. Run and jump to grab the horizontal pole from the right hand side. Here you are safe.

Before continuing, let's go for a Treasure. Pull up on the pole and turn around to face the entrance. Jump to grab the next pole and pull up on it. Jump to grab the edge of the alcove and pull up. Pick up the Treasure (36/50) and drop to the ground.

Again, approach the right hand side of the room and wait for the statue to stop breathing fire. Run and jump to grab the horizontal pole as before.

Pull up, move a bit to the left and notice the two statues that breathe fire from the floor. When both stop breathing fire, jump to grab the pole above the second statue on the left.

Quickly pull up on the pole, move a bit to the left and jump straight up to grab the small pole above.


Pull up, wait for the next statue to stop breathing fire and jump to grab the next horizontal pole. Swing and jump to the safe ground ahead.


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