The Angel Of Darkness Walkthrough and Game Guide
Featuring All Secrets and Hidden Rewards and packed with Screenshots

Checking at The Strahov Fortress

(Note: The notes that were initially given by Werner are beneath the gray line. New notes are in blue.)

Find Cafe Metro in Place d'Arcade. (Janice)

Find Bouchard's club Le Serpent Rouge. (Info by the City guide)

Find Bouchard's new premises. (Janice)

Find Bernard, ex-Janitor at the club. (Janice)

Contact cafe owner, Pierre, ex-barman at the club. (Janice)

Retrieve the "Box" at Serpend Rouge. In broken lighting rig. (By talking to either Pierre or Bernard)

Contact Francine. 17 Rue Dominique. Code 15328 (Trinket Box to Pierre)/ Find the Doorman. (Trinket Box to Bernard)

Find Bouchard's Doorman. (Herbalist)

Deliver passports to Daniel Rennes, pawnbroker - Rue St. Mark and Cours la Seine. (Bouchard)

Get into the Louvre.

Locate Carvier's office. Need security pass to reach the archaeological dig. (When you enter the Louvre)

Get access to the archaeological dig at the second buttress. (From the sign in the second gallery. Otherwise you get this info when you get the security pass from Carvier's office.)

Check out Von Croy's apartment for four missing Obscura Engravings.

Check on Mathias Vasiley in Prague. (When the level starts.)

The wrathful sentinels guard the hall within. (Translation of the next page)


Through the spirit of the keeper behold the truth. (Translation of the next page)


Look for 5th Obscura Engraving at Mathias Vasiley's premises. (After talking to Luddick.)

Locate the Vault of Trophies in the oldest part of the Strahov. Last Painting there. (After talking to Bouchard.)

Check the premises for a hidden area. (After talking to Bouchard.)

The three Periapts joined together burn with righteous light of confine evil. (From the inscription of the second glass case - Translation of the next page.)

TRES PERIAPTI CONIUNCTI CUM IUSTITIAE IGNE MALA CINGUNT. (From the inscription of the second glass case)

Find the security control room. (When the level starts.)

Gain access to the Biodome. (Room with destroyed circular wall at the middle.)

Shut down power to clear a route through the Biodome to the Vault of Trophies. (After solving the crate puzzle\ Area behind the fence.)


Eckhardt - client. Be wary!

Louis Bouchard. Useful contact - purchased handgun. Discretion assured.

Terrified to go out. Monstrum terrorissing the streets.

Tried contacting Lara again in London. Still not forgiven me for Egypt.

Obscura Paintings: five 15th century works of Black alchemic magic. All lost, hidden by the Lux Veritatis.

Five Obscura Engravings - drawn copies of the Paintings. Contain encrypted maps of each Painting's location?

Mathias Vasiley in Prague. Has sent me four Obscura Engravings. He kept the fifth Engraving back. Wants more money.

Deciphered the encryptd map in Vasiley's Engravings. One of the Paintings is beneath the Louvre. Where the latest archaeological digs are.

Carvier says she has a security pass for the digs in her office.

A metallic symbol is hidden beneath surface of each painting. Check with Carvier about X-Ray facilities in Louvre?

Lux Veritatis - "Light of Truth". A secret 12th century Order of warrior monks who hid the Obscura Paintings in the 1400's.

Said to posses the three Periapt Shards - artifacts of power, crystalline shards shaped like spearheads - "weapons of light" !!??

Lux Veritatis try to suppress the Cabal of the Black Alchemist from the 1300's onwards.

Lux Veritatis - links to Nephilim???

Nephilim - from ENOCHIAN gospels. Cursed hybrid offspring of angels and humans. Exterminated in biblical times.

Related prophecy: "Through the Golden Lion the Nephilim will enslave the sons of man and inherit the Earth".

The Sleepr or Cubiculum Nephili - literally "sleeping cask" or "chamber". Thought to be the last intact specimen of the Nephilim race. Supposedly buried in Anatolia, TURKEY.

The Sanglyph - some artifact of alchemic power? Linked to the Black Alchemist in 1400's. Details scarce.

The two missing symbols are hidden close by the buttress.


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