The Angel Of Darkness Walkthrough and Game Guide
Featuring All Secrets and Hidden Rewards and packed with Screenshots

Level 16: The Sanctuary Of Flame - Jumping in the lava pool

Getting across

Walk down and notice the ledges in the lava pool. You have to pass through them in order to get across. Start running on the first set of ledges stopping on the last one. Do not stop on the previous ledges because they sink into the lava.

There is another set of six ledges ahead. Jump on the right hand ones and move to the right, as one from the left ledges sinks.

You have to be quick in the next two jumps. The fireballs are coming from everywhere and if one hits you, you lose health. Jump on the next set of two blocks ahead and then on the three ledges on the left; move to the right.

From there, jump to the right hand set of the ledges and then directly to the stairs. If the fireballs prevent you from jumping on the last set of ledges, take some steps backwards and perform a running jump, turning left in midair, to land on the ledge exactly in front of the stairs.

Your way back

Go down the stairs. There are two hexagonal ledges in the lava pool. Hop to the second and then jump to the one on your right. Jump up to grab the two ledges above and pull up. Turn left and jump to the opposite set of two ledges. Now turn left to face the lava pool and jump on the two ledges below in the middle.

Wait for a few seconds and new ledges will rise up on your right. Walk on them and then jump to the ledges that just appeared on your left.


Walking to the end, a new single ledge rises up. Jump on it and finally jump on the safe blocks ahead. Head to the exit to return back to the Hall Of Seasons.

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