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Eidos, one of the world's leading publishers and developers of entertainment software, announces a mobile phone version of the critically acclaimed Thief: Deadly Shadows. Originally released on PC and Xbox in summer 2004, the mobile version has been developed by IOMO for Java and BREW-enabled handsets. The game will be released in two parts, starting with Episode I in January 2005, with Episode II following soon afterwards. Thief: Deadly Shadows will be available to download through networ-k operators worldwide.

Last Updated: Nov 30, 2004


In the mid 90's gamers got their first taste of Tomb Raider. It was Indiana Jones and an Andy Sidaris film all rolled into one and for many, a blessed event. Her first adventure brought platform gaming into 3D for many and helped popularize two-gun fun. It was also one of the first US games to feature a strong female character and achieve popular acceptance. It has now been translated to the big screen with two successful films starring Angelina Jolie and has been followed-up and ported to almost every platform available since it's inception. The game is an undeniable classic and now it has been brought to the N-Gage in all its glory.

Last Updated: Nov 28, 2004


It could be one of the most glamorous partnerships in the world of entertainment: Bono, lead singer of U2, is sizing up the owner of Lara Croft, the busty computer games heroine. Troubled computer games publisher Eidos, which owns the Tomb Raider title, put itself on the block last summer after a series of profit warnings and delayed games launches. Sources say chief executive Mike McGarvey is keen to stage a management buyout, and has been talking to two venture capital funds. It was known that he was in talks with a third party, but it was assumed that would involve a sale.

Last Updated: Nov 28, 2004


Winning a date with glamour babe Nell McAndrew would be a dream come true for many men, but one Norfolk father took his toddler son along with him. As Paul Waters entered his bids in the online charity auction, he was not thinking he had much of a chance of winning the opportunity of an evening with the curvy 6ft model. But when the news came through, he had to ask himself how pleased would his partner Joanne Smith be?

Last Updated: Nov 26, 2004


Two relative unknowns have been chosen to star in the screen version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical 'The Phantom of the Opera'. John Hiscock reports They seem an unlikely couple: the happy-go-lucky Scotsman who used to sing in a rock band, and the opera-trained American teenager. Yet when Emmy Rossum saw Gerard Butler lurking in the shadows at her screen test in New York, she knew he was the man to play the Phantom to her Christine.

Last Updated: Nov 26, 2004

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